Sharing the Simple Gifts of Faith, Family and Farm

What a whirlwind of activity April was.  When I look back at the pictures of April, so many things flow through my mind.  We did our first Farmers Markets, a Pop Up at my former employer, and met some great people.  The flowers all began to really come on, and we fully transitioned from winter to summer.

Around the middle of the month, we did a pop up to support the American Heart Association.  We had a lot of early season flowers and added a few flowers from a local market to supplement.  This pop up was at my former employer, and it was really nice being able to see and talk with old friends.  The older I get, the more I am convinced that in the end, it is all about people.  I had the good pleasure of working with some incredible people.  Its always good to see them.

The farmers markets and pop ups were aided by the workshop.  In March, we started work on cleaning the carport out to turn it into a flower workshop.  While we are still finishing the project up, we were able to put the structure to good use.

To finish the floor of the workshop, we selected rough cut one by six lumber to keep with the look of the building.

The farmers wife has been collecting vases and baskets in preparation for this time, and we have quite a few.

We did a little cleanup in the woods to open up a space that was not getting afternoon sun.  The plants have responded well.  When the first layer of woods were cleaned up, I noticed this little guy.  While the canker on the tree means it will not be a viable tree (and will need to be cut down), it still is an interesting tree.  Cankers on trees have always interested me.

Its always amazing when you walk around the new things you see.  A thousand times I’ve walked that hill, but until the two pine trees in front were taken down, there was no seeing the canker ball.

The little wildflower above is called annual honesty.  Its a stemmed flower that grows wild behind the greenhouse.  While our flowers continue to come on, we were thankful to see them.

I caught this picture after the last good rain.  Is there anything more fascinating to watch than water as it runs through a sunlit trench.  The rivulets gleaming with every passing drop.  Not sure how much time I spent looking at this, but not one second of that time was wasted.

The season of April on the farm was a season of thanks.  Thanks for new growth, and for the promise of a coming growing season.  Thanks for old friends who still remember, and thanks for new friends who enjoy the journey.

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