I long for the energy that comes with youth - even the sturdy utility of middle age. My nights are clouded by the dreams of vitality, productivity, by the joys
What was once a novelty, is now the day to day life. The videos of families chasing chickens, or tilling their garden which were once a dream, are now the
With the simple flip of a page, the calendar now reads 2019, and the first season on the farm is over. Whew. What a year. And yet, so much more
The first frost and first freeze have come and gone, and now the warm memories of the summer mix with the fond hopes for next spring. A sense of thanksgiving
As the green leaves of summer held on for their last days, the promise of cooler temperatures, and the beauty of Autumn overshadowed most all of the activities on the
There should be laughter after pain There should be sunshine after rain These things have always been the same So why worry now Dire Straits - Why Worry The rains