A Season on the Farm, July

To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. Ecclesiastes 3:1 July recorded the passing of a number of monumental items, not the least of which is the movement of passing the mid point of our first season on the farm.  The first six months now committed to history,…Read More

A Season on the Farm, June

There are few things in life more satisfying than watching things grow, whether plant or human.  Of particular enjoyment is seeing things in yourself that were once weaknesses, but that are growing strengths.  When I reflect on my own personal journey, and the milestones that we have passed in this season on the farm, June…Read More

A Season on the Farm, May

What a great month, May was.  The sun came out, the flowers came out, and we started working at the Farmers Markets.  Lots of learning this month as well, as things we should have done but didn’t became evident (net the snapdragons), as well as things that we did but probably should not have (planting…Read More

A Season on the Farm, April

What a whirlwind of activity April was.  When I look back at the pictures of April, so many things flow through my mind.  We did our first Farmers Markets, a Pop Up at my former employer, and met some great people.  The flowers all began to really come on, and we fully transitioned from winter…Read More

A Season on the Farm, March

What a test of faith March has been.  February came in with an early spring, but cooler, wetter weather set in for March, and it has been a test of faith. Hebrews 11:1 defines faith as the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.   Faith is to believe what you do not…Read More