Good Monday Morning

Good Morning. This day, and week hold the promise of several exciting developments at the farm. Like our flowers, they start as tiny seeds, and before we know it turn into beautiful flowers. Patience is required, and I’m learning each day about patience.
I have two experienced craftsmen coming by this week – one a carpentry and remodeling wiz, and the other an excavating and site preparation specialist.
Our second planning project this week is to look at the overgrown woods with an eye toward finding another 1 to 2 acres of tillable land. For rotational purposes and to make the land more useful we are looking to clean it up. We are also looking to clean a 3 acre easement which has grown up.
Toward that end I took a long walk yesterday, with an eye toward where our time was best invested with a bull dozer. What a reinvigorating walk not only physically, but also mentally and spiritually. Seeing again the rolling hills and the small draws, this time with the knowledge that the moment was getting closer to transforming the land, really brought the importance of patience to mind.
Today I’ll begin the formal work on the logo. A little thing, but an important thing. When you think about it, it is often the first impression people will have of you, and your business. So many things that come up when I think about the logo, so it is time to put them in pixels and see what represents us.
Finally, the weather this week looks to be colder. That means another round of tightening on the greenhouse, well house, and the chicken house.
Lots of work planned, lots of patience required as we have miles to go, but wow what a difference a week makes.
Have a great week friends.